Mood (Έγκλιση):
a grammatical category of the verb expressed morphologically or
syntactically and associated with characteristic semantic differences. Greek has only
three formally distinct moods: the indicative, the subjunctive, and the imperative
Ο Σαχίνης
αργά κάθε βράδυ (indicative)
Η Αγκάθα δεν μπορεί
να κοιμάται
αργά κάθε βράδυ (subjunctive)
λίγο πιο νωρίς απόψε (imperative)
Nominals (Ονοματικοί τύποι):
nouns, adjectives (including participles and
ordinal numbers) and pronouns.
Κάποιος άλλος σκοτεινός και μυστηριώδης κατάσκοπος
Nominative case (Ονομαστική πτώση):
a case form of the nominal. Nominals in
the nominative case indicate the subject and / or the subject predicate. The nominative
case is the form listed in the dictionary (see also case)
Η Κλειώ
η φίλη
της Αγκάθας, είναι πάντα
Noun (Ουσιαστικό):
a word that denotes a person, a place, a thing, a process, a
concept etc. Nouns are inflected in Greek
Ο Σαχίνης, η Ελλάδα, το σπίτι, το δίλημμα
Noun phrase (Ονοματική φράση):
a phrase whose head is a noun and functions
as subject, object or a complement of preposition
Το κλειδί
Ο Σαχίνης έχασε
το κλειδί
Ο Σαχίνης άνοιξε την πόρτα με
το κλειδί
Number (Αριθμός):
a grammatical category of nominals and verbs that denotes
the number of the entities involved. There are two numbers which are morphologically
distinct: singular (ενικός) for a single entity and plural (πληθυντικός) for more than
one entities
Υπάρχει μόνο ένας Σαχίνης αλλά πολλοί κλέφτες
Numerals (Αριθμητικά):
words expressing numbers: cardinal numbers (ένα, δυο…)
are adverbials and ordinal numbers (πρώτος, πρώτη, πρώτο) expressing order or sequence,
are adjectives
Object (Αντικείμενο):
the complement noun phrase which is required by a
transitive verb (see also direct and indirect object)
Participle (Μετοχή):
a word which is derived from a verb (usually by -μενος) and
behaves like an adjective
Ο Σαχίνης είναι
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