Particle (Μόριο):
an uninflected grammatical word which immediately precedes the
verb. The main particles are: να, θα, ας, δεν / μην
δεν θα
να μη
Perfective aspect (Συνοπτική άποψη):
Τhe perfective verb forms present the
event described by the verb as a whole, without giving any emphasis to the internal
structure of the event (i.e. the phases the event went through)
έτρεξα / θα τρέξω / έχω τρέξει
στο Μαραθώνιο
Personal pronoun (Προσωπική αντωνυμία):
a pronoun which indicates person
(first, second, third). The personal pronouns can be clitic or emphatic (see also clitic
and emphatic pronouns)
Βλέπεις το Σαχίνη; Ναι,
(clitic) βλέπω, δεν βλέπω όμως την Αγκάθα
Phoneme (Φώνημα):
a sound which differentiates the meaning of words in
contrasting with other sounds in the same environment
/tόnos/ /kόnos/
see number
Possessive pronoun (Κτητική αντωνυμία):
a pronoun which expresses
possession. In Greek, possessive pronouns have two forms: the weak form, which is the
same as the personal pronoun in genitive and the analytic (ο) δικός μου, (η) δική μου,
(το) δικό μου
Έχασα το πορτοφόλι
Αυτό το πορτοφόλι είναι (το)
δικό μου
Predicate of subject or object (Κατηγορούμενο του υποκειμένου ή του
an adjective or a noun phrase, which assigns a property to the subject
or to the object
Ο Σαχίνης είναι
Είδα το Λάκη
Preposition (Πρόθεση):
an uninflected word which precedes a noun phrase and
helps expressing a variety of meanings: place, time, manner etc.
σε, από, με
Prepositional phrase (Προθετική Φράση):
a phrase whose head is a preposition
and whose complement is a noun phrase usually in the accusative case
Ο Σαχίνης ζει
στην Αθήνα με την Αγκάθα
Pronoun (Αντωνυμία):
a word which is usually inflected and is used in the place of
a noun phrase. It can be personal, possessive, relative, indefinite etc.
χάρισε το
δικό του
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