Article (Άρθρο):
the word which precedes a noun and agrees with it in number,
gender and case. Articles are either definite or indefinite
καλός (
) μαθητής
καλός μαθητής
Aspect (Ρηματική Άποψη):
the grammatical category of the verb which indicates
whether the action is completed (perfective) or not (imperfective)
αγαπ- vs. αγαπησ- / αγαπηθ-
Case (Πτώση):
nominal forms of the noun phrase (seeAccusative, Genitive, Nominative,
Vocative). Cases primarily indicate syntactic functions (subject, object) in a clause
Ο Σαχίνης βρήκε τη λύση του μυστηρίου
(Nom/Subj) (Acc/Obj) (Gen)
Clause (Πρόταση):
a structure with a verb phrase and a lexical subject (see also
sentence, main, subordinate, complement, adverbial clauses). In Greek the lexical
subject is optional
(Ο Σαχίνης) την αγαπάει την Αγκάθα πολύ
Βρέχει πολύ στο Λονδίνο
Clitic pronoun (Κλιτική αντωνυμία):
the weak form of the personal pronoun
which usually precedes the verb (except for the imperative forms and the adverbial
verb form /-ondas/). The clitic pronouns are distinct from their corresponding emphatic
Βλέπεις το Σαχίνη; Ναι,
(clitic) βλέπω, δε βλέπω όμως την Αγκάθα
Comparative form (Συγκριτικός βαθμός):
the form of an adjective or adverb
comparing two entities (people or things)
Ο Σαχίνης είναι
πιο έξυπνος / εξυπνότερος
από τον Λάκη
Complement clause (Συμπληρωματική πρόταση):
a clause that is nominal
and functions as a complement of verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbs (see also
να φτάσει στην ώρα του
Το γεγονός
ότι φεύγεις
δεν μου αρέσει καθόλου
Complementizer (Συμπληρωματικός δείκτης):
a conjunction introducing a
complement clause: ότι, που, πως, αν…
ότι/ πως/ αν
θα τον παντρευτεί
Compound word (Σύνθετη λέξη):
a word made of two stems (representing two
other words)
καλός + καιρός → καλοκαίρι
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